''Breaking Amish'' is an American reality television series on the TLC television network that debuted September 9, 2012. The series revolves around five young Anabaptist adults (four Amish and one Mennonite) who move to New York City in order to experience a different life and decide whether to return to their communities or remain outside their communities and face potential ostracism by their family and friends. It follows the cast members as they experience life in New York and face new situations involving work, friendship, romance, and lifestyle, plus the drama that develops between cast members as they undergo various experiences. The cast-members' move to New York City differs from Rumspringa, the rite of passage in which some 16-year-old Amish are allowed to experience the outside world and to decide whether or not they wish to remain with their home communities. A news report on February 25, 2013, stated that TLC had ordered a second season of ''Breaking Amish''. with the original cast. ''Breaking Amish: Brave New World'' is considered the second season by TLC. A spinoff of ''Breaking Amish'', entitled ''Breaking Amish: Los Angeles'', debuted on July 21, 2013, with a different cast. On May 1, 2014, it was announced that ''Breaking Amish'' had spawned yet another spin-off, entitled ''Return to Amish''. The spinoff followed ''Breaking Amish'' season 1 cast members who all lived in Pennsylvania at the time of production, except for Kate, who resided in New York City. The two-hour premiere debuted on June 1, 2014, with the season airing seven episodes. TLC has since considered ''Return to Amish'' as a season of ''Breaking Amish'' and not a spinoff. The second spinoff of ''Breaking Amish'' entitled ''Breaking Amish: Brooklyn'' debuted on September 18, 2014, with a new cast. A fourth season of ''Breaking Amish'' returning under the title ''Return to Amish'' premiered on May 31, 2015. The fourth season will be Mary's last, with it possibly being the final season altogether. ==Controversy== Shortly after the first episode was aired, several news outlets reported that all of the cast had left their respective communities prior to taping the show, or that they were already married. It also has been reported that the relationships between cast members were portrayed falsely and that there were many inconsistencies between fact and the reality that was represented in the television program. The production has been forthcoming with some of the 'non-Amish' activities in the background of the cast. As episodes progressed, the production steadily revealed other aspects of the cast's past activities, including items not previously released as spoilers by other media outlets. Some of the information shared on air by the cast during the production: 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Breaking Amish」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク